She was wearing a long slit maxi dress with black and white zebra stripes. He watched her from the top to bottom, she had nothing underneath

She was wearing a long slit maxi dress with black and white zebra stripes. He watched her from the top to bottom, she had nothing underneath
It was 9:00 am in the morning at K&S Accountants in the Alphen Park office complex, in Cape Town.Kekeletso turned around in his big office chair and looked at the downtown scenery through the glass facade. Last night after 6:00pm, he had stayed behind at the office to check the activity report of the computer monitoring system that had been recently installed in the office. As he went through the report, he smiled with glee as he browsed through some hot pictures of a semi-naked woman – two of his employees were flirting and exchanging some juicy details.
Kekeletso picked up the Nortel digital phone on his desk and called “Wayne, can you come into my office please, I want to talk to you”,
“Yes Sir, what time?” Wayne replied, absent-mindedly
“Now, it will take a long time” Kekeletso said
“Okay” Wayne was wondering what was on the boss’s mind this morning. He got up from his chair as casually as he could.
There was something about Wayne that made him the centre of attention in the office. He was always cool, never showing any sign of stress in the face of pressure and always wearing that arrogant I-can-handle-anything kind of attitude.
Meanwhile Lerato, the newly graduated Assistant Accountant on training was in the other office next to Wayne’s. It was almost lunchtime now, and she was wondering why Wayne never replied her routine morning SMS .Typically, Wayne would come to her office to chat her up, but this morning he didn’t come. She passed by Wayne’s empty office and went to the office kitchen to make a cup of coffee for the boss.
As she came closer to the boss’s office, the door was slightly opened, and then she heard the unbelievable words, “Wayne, you are fired!!! I will organize your dismissal package tomorrow”
“Shut the door please” the boss told Wayne.
The door banged behind her as she quickly retreated before she could knock on the door. It was obvious, there was a serious matter being discussed in the office, and privacy was needed.
She went back to her office. As the coffee cooled on her desk, a lot of things were going through her mind. “What happened? Am I also involved? Am I the next to be called to the boss’s office? I hope not…”
Wayne finally came out, with his usual demeanor, looking like nothing happened. He never told anyone about what happened. After a few minutes, he watched as Lerato passed by his office on the way to the boss’s office. He enjoyed the look on her face, it was kind of worried, holier-than-thou and sulky. This girl could act.
They remained behind closed doors for over an hour or two, Lerato was in the middle of finding out why she was called for this private meeting. At this point, the meeting was hardly private, a cornered tigress fighting for survival is hardly quiet, where there is fire there is smoke. Wayne could hear Lerato’s voice in defensive mode, pleading, apologizing and complaining. He knew what was taking place.
At 12:45 noon towards lunchtime, Lerato was seen following the boss out of the office. They stood in the corridor, exchanging heated words;
“You can’t do this to me!!” Lerato shot back at her boss,
“Sorry, I am off to lunch now, will talk tomorrow at 6” Kekeletso said as he went out of the office, holding his car keys.
On a Wednesday, Lerato stayed behind at work with a huge pile of files that she had stacked on her desk to look like somebody who is busy.
“Why are you staying behind Mzansi girl?” her colleagues asked,
“I have a lot of work his week” she said as she pointed towards the pile.
Kekeletso was coming at 7:00pm.By this time, the town was empty, the office complex was quiet, and the streets were clear of pedestrians and traffic. It was dark and only the lights illuminated the compound.Lerato was sitting in her office, holding a small cosmetic mirror and putting on some lipstick. She removed her top, dress, panties and bra, and stuffed the clothing into her make-up bag.
“I am in my office now” Kekeletso called
“I’II be there within a minute” Lerato said, but she didn’t go there straight away.
10 minutes felt like an hour, but Kekeletso smiled as he heard the sound of high heels strutting towards the door.
A sexy tall woman stood before him. She was wearing a long slit maxi dress with black and white zebra stripes. He watched her from the top to bottom, she had nothing underneath.
“What do you think about this?” Lerato said with a cute tone as she turned around and opened the slits to reveal her glorious thighs.
“You will never be fired again” Kekeletso said as he stood up to close the office door.
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