Four Reasons Why Balthazar Ebang Engonga Slept with 400 Women

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Balthazar Ebang Appears in Court in Malabo City

Balthazar Ebang Appears in Court in Malabo City – 8 Nov 2024

Friday 8 November 2024 – Balthazar Ebang appeared in court for the first time with his feet shackled, clad in a dark blue suit, light blue shirt and wearing a surgical mask.[It’s funny how he is suddenly a hygiene freak, scared of contracting an imaginary airborne disease while he had unprotected sex with over 300 women]. A plain clothes police escort can be seen unlocking the chains on this feet after the court session, allowing him to walk to a white BMW sedan parked outside the building. He is shuffling his feet as a mob of journalists and cameramen surround him snapping pictures. Purpotedly, the car was taking him to Malabo Central Prison where he will be detained for the duration of his trial.

Four Reasons Why Balthazar Ebang Engonga Banged 400 Women

1 – Sex Bribery and Blackmail

Speculation still remains as to why he slept with over 300 women. No-one will ever know the real reason until Balthazar Ebang and witnesses, the women he slept with are cross-examined by the court and public prosecutor. Some people on social media say his illicit affairs are a private matter and do not run afoul of any law. This would be true only if he hadn’t engaged in sexual activities in the government office. The man has already been charged with gross misconduct, violating workplace ethics and rules. As the trial progresses, overlaps and connections will be made between the sexscapades and their motivations, purposes which might be illegal as revealed by witnesses. His position as the Head of the Anti-Corruption / Financial Crimes Department in the government gives him a lot of influence and control over high profile personalities who may be involved in financial crimes and corruption, in both the private and public sector. This opens up opportunities for bribery, blackmail and compromises between the parties involved in an effort to gain something, quash a case, clear the tracks, bad records or evidence. Equatorial Guinea is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and sleeping with over 300 women, of whom the majority are related to high profile personalities in your inner circle, community and family, shows there is more to these sexcapades than just lust and womanizing. The sex tapes may have been recorded for blackmail purposes because the participants were willing to negotiate a compromise which would be settled by sex in case they didn’t have hush money. It’s very possible that these sex briberies were arranged by the husbands of these wives. In a normal society, you dont just go around banging the wives of prominent people or those in your inner circle. Balthazar Ebang was literally banging everyone in his workplace, family and community indiscriminately. His actions are those of an Ancient King who thinks all the women in the land are his concubines or property.

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Balthazar’s influence and power has been underplayed and glossed over in the media. He started his career as the Minister of Education in 1998 before he was moved to the Ministry of Finance. Reports say Ebang was a respected figure in Equatorial Guinea and seen as a beacon of hope against corruption for many years. Naturally, you would want to be friends with Balthazar if you are a high profile personality engaging in corruption or money laundering. Cases of key figures in the financial sector (Bank Managers, Financial Chiefs, Ministers etc) facilitating money laundering are common worldwide.

2 – Liberal Sex Culture – Wife Swapping Swingers / Open Relationships

This is another claim that is circulating on the internet. Balthazar might just be a horny animal who has been living his fantasies for decades. Remember that he is the biracial son of a prominent government official, Mr Baltasar Engonga Edjo, the President of CEMAC (Central African Economic and Monetary Community). In a very small country like Equatorial Guinea, there is a high probability of gender imbalance. There are 810,000 women and 900,000 men in Equatorial Guinea and 70% of the population lives in poverty. That means women will gravitate towards high value men to fulfill their needs. These are men like Balthazar who are 15% of the population, men with power, influence and money. By needs, I mean all needs such as need for sexual satisfaction, infidelity, financial support and so on. That means if she is cheating, she would rather cheat with a high value man. The female psychology of wanting what other women want was also at play. Women sleeping with the same guy, competing with each other. Basically they love dogs. She will marry you and call you a dog for cheating and sleeping around. Why did you marry a dog to start with? Don’t tell me you didn’t know. You most likely snatched this man from another woman. You seduced him just to prove a point to your female rivalries. When you scrutinize female behaviour, words versus actions, you will find that they are secret perverts who act like they are not interested in porn when in fact they are entertaining dirty sex. Who gives dirty sex? It’s not a gentleman but a horny stray dog.

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It seems Balthazar has an open relationship with his wife. She allows him to bang other women as much as he can. She is most likely getting banged by other guys as well. Maybe open relationships are normal in Equatorial Guinea, because you can’t have hundreds of high profile men tolerating this. So far, not a single man has come out to accuse Balthazar of sleeping with his wife. Is sex something that is shared with anyone in Equatorial Guinea? Fuck my wife, sister, Let me fuck yours? Is it a cultural practice of some sort? An unwritten rule? There are cultures around the world whereby sex is given liberally.

3 – Balthazar is a Porn / Sex Addict

You wouldn’t be banging 300 women unless you were a sex addict. Most likely, he slept with these women over the years, and not in a short space of time because that would burn him out quickly.

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4 – Balthazar Was Well Known in His Town,  A Magnet for Groupies

Equatorial Guinea is a small country where everyone knows each other. Malabo is the biggest city with only 300,000 people. You cant be invisible if you are a high profile personality. The way the women smiled at the camera and enjoyed the moment, clearly shows they knew who he was. It’s like they were excited in finally meeting their crush who is one of the most talked about person in town, starstruck like groupies meeting their idol. If female groupies will scream and throw their panties on stage at a Harry Styles concert (According to Trevor Noah jokes), don’t you think they will also fuck you at the drop of a hat? Balthazar was just fucking his groupies.

Sex Tape Pictures – Balthazar Ebang Engonga Fucks a Dark Horny Woman With Legs Wide Open


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