Lessons From Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Leaks. Do Women Love Dirty Raw Sex?

Lessons From Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Videos. Busting the Myths of Female Sex Desire

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (67)

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (67)

Myths About Female Sexuality

What is the psychology and physiology behind 300 women willingly lining up to get banged by a man in his office, while excitedly starring at the camera?

I am really sitting down and thinking about this. Remember Mother Teresa and what was revealed about her many years after she passed away. It turns out she wasn’t a saint after all. Women are not saints and angels as we have been taught to believe.

First of all, I want make it clear that Balthazar Ebang Engonga was just being a man and APPARENTLY the women were just being themselves as well, showing their true colours in privacy before the camera. They consented to being recorded and they were proud of it. Let’s get it straight, SEX is for two shameless people. We turn into animals during sex. It would be hypocritical to judge Balthazar while exonerating the loose women who clearly love being fucked like animals. These women love casual sex, the dirty type of sex in a random place like the office, river bed, public toilet, in the backseat of the car, parking lot, under the bridge, in the bush, even inside a fashion store dressing room. Make no mistake they will even lift up their skirts and bend over inside the church next to the pulpit, in the backyard street alley or corridor. Men are procreators by nature, biologically gifted with a higher than normal sex drive. They will think of fucking you there and then if you are scantily clad, with your big tits and thighs exposed. Women on the other hand have a low sex drive unless she is motivated by factors such as boredom, loneliness, poverty, whoring, gold digging, validation seeking, thrill seeking, revenge cheating, being single and so on. Biological factors like the menstrual cycle also increase libido in women. This increase in female sex drive occurs during the preovulatory stage (follicular stage) and ovulation when the hormone estrogen is at its highest. During this phase, intense orgasms which relieve pain are activated by an increase in blood flow and circulation, and she will CRAVE A HARD DICK at this momemt to pound her mercilessly. The preovulatory stage lasts 10 to 17 days. Sex desire is at its peak on the 14th to 17th day (ovulation). Thereafter, oestrogen levels decrease and the hormone progesterone increases, leading to lower sex drive.

The menstrual cycle takes place every 21 to 35 days and it begins with bleeding for 2 to 7 days. Females stop menstruating at 45 to 55 years, a stage in life called menopause. From this information, we can deduce that women are at their horniest every month for a period of 10 to 17 days or half this time. This is the time when they want to be fucked the most, craving dick like thirsty hyenas. Of course, most will not tell you depending on how open they are, and the kind of relationship between the two of you. If you are a clever man, you should take note of this timetable. She wants to be fucked like crazy during the onset and duration of ovulation.

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (90)_CUT

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (90)_CUT

Women Love Dirty Raw Sex

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (4)

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes (4)

Hyenas Having Sex

This is what she likes, dirty raw sex in the mud !!!


As you all saw in Balthazar Ebang sex tapes which are now public material on the internet, he banged excited women and girls who were clearly horny and enjoying it. It didn’t matter where or how the act was done. They got banged in toilets, river beds, corridors, on tables, chairs and floors. Never mind that he didnt wear a condom, 300 women lined up for raw sex without protection. You would think they would be concerned about STDs but they don’t give a rat’s ass. These are the same women who want us to believe they are super-clean hygiene addicts, bathing three times a day, taking an hour or two to do elaborate makeup, never wearing the same clothes twice, and freaking out at one cockroach in the house. Yes, they move around with handbags filled with perfume, baby powder, mirrors and lipstick, walking elegantly in heels. Yet for all this effort, they will go on to engage in dirty unprotected sex with a random guy, a one-night stand of STDs, catching HIV/AIDs, Herpes, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Scabies and HPV in one naked romp.

STDs are incurable, they won’t disappear nomatter how much you bath, how much makeup, perfume or mouthwash you use. You will be itching and scratching for the rest of your life, with blisters and sores on your mouth and body. Worse still, some will contract HPV cancer which can affect your throat and delicate internals.  You will be coughing up blood for the rest of your life and speaking with a cracked hoarse voice like an 80-year old granny. Hyper cleanliness is sometimes a sign and coverup for STDs. You are bathing three times a day because you have STDs, not because you are a clean healthy person. You are getting raw unprotected sex and blowjobs from random guys in the bars, clubs,  church and government offices.


Women Love Cheaters, Womanizers and Horny Dogs


Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes

Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Tapes

Balthazar Ebang has taught us that women love cheaters, players and womanizers. Forget about loyalty, faithfulness, marriage vows and commitment. We have seen the Basic Instincts that drive female sexuality in all those 300 sex tapes. Muslims have been right all along, men are polygamous by nature and women will gravitate towards that type of man like a herd of cattle. Basically, they love horny dogs, donkeys and hyenas. If we all had Universal Basic Income like illegal immigrants in the USA and refugees in Europe, that woman who is with you because of your car, house or well paying job wouldnt be with you in a Utopian world. She craves dirty sex with a rough unkempt caveman. Being thrown around, lifted and banged on tables and chairs. Fucked in the grass, mud, alley and streets. Women frown on gentlemen. They are most likely turned off by you.

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Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Scandal (52)

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Balthazar Ebang Engonga Sex Scandal (62)_CUT

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