Curvaceous African American Woman with Big Boobs Wearing Short Skirt – PLUS: Employees Report Sex Shop Customers for Leaving Baby in Car


A shapely and sexy black woman with nice big brown boobs, and super curved waist in tempting mini skirt

A shapely and sexy black woman with nice big brown boobs, and super curved waist in tempting mini skirt

Curvaceous African American Woman with Big Boobs Wearing Short Skirt

No doubt, the first time you look at this black American woman, you would say she is a perfect female, extremely physically attractive with nice large boobs, a pronounced hourglass body shape that gives her a perfectly thin waist, and nice belly button. What more can you want from a woman? You would really be the dumbest guy in the world to cheat such a woman. She is wearing a lovely blue short skimpy skirt and matching bra.


Employees Report Sex Shop Customers for Leaving Baby in Car

Connecticut – This story is very suspicious and smells like a set-up by the employees. Everything is just so wrong.Okay, a man and a woman in Connecticut, USA visited a sex shop, the woman was carrying an infant, her 2-months old baby. As they entered the shop, the shop attendants told them that under-aged people (her baby) are not allowed in, so the pair decides to go back to their car, and they leave their baby inside the car, unattended.

Of course, it’s bad to leave an infant unattended in a vehicle, but the actions of the employees are nasty as well. They told the woman (Lindsay Hoffman) not to enter the shop with an under-aged person, of which she complied, then after she comes backs without the baby, they go outside to spy on their customer, going to her car to check the baby, and then calling the police.

If the shop employees were very understanding people, they could have allowed the couple to go inside the shop with their baby. It’s just a 2-months old baby omg, and too young to know about sex or bad influences. The couple didn’t leave the baby unattended intentionally, they were just in the shops for 20 minutes. After all, they were forced to leave the baby outside by the same employees who reported them to the police. If there is anyone who is sick, it’s the employees not the couple who came to buy their products.

As the news channel reported, police came to the scene to evacuate the baby from the car, a Nissan Sentra, but the baby was okay. An ambulance was called to take the baby to the hospital.

After the baby was evacuated, the mother Lindsay Hoffman and his partner Marquette Riggsbee were arrested on charges of exposing a baby to danger as well as leaving an infant unattended. They have to pay $25,000 to be released on bail.

Whatever happened to good old kindness, if the employees really cared about their customers and the baby, they could simply have offered to look after the baby while the couple went shopping or they should have warned them that it’s illegal to leave a baby unattended.

SOURCE – Courant


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