Tag: Big Butts

Penelope Shongwe, the Curvaceous Wide Hipped African Mum with Big Ass.

Born on 15 December 1995, Penelope Shongwe is not exactly a celebrity but one of your average Instagram babes and neighbours who should be a celebrity or popular diva because she has a thick curvaceous body, big shapely ass, medium waist and a pretty exotic face, you would think she is a Blasian. But Penelope …

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Lorraine Lionheart – The Ghanaian African Woman with Huge Brown Rideable Ass Gets Naked

Most of you are always searching for Big Bums and Booty. But let’s differentiate this. Bums are natural flesh and anything called Booty is plastic. Those with a fetish for bums will look for particular bums, for example Big Black Bums or Big Brown Bums. Lorraine Lionheart is the dreadlocked African woman from Ghana with …

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Princess Chidimma the Nigerian Actress with Curvy Backside in Seducing Body Tight Mini Skirts and Dresses.

Finally, finally, I have discovered where curvy Nigerian women and girls are hiding. They are hiding in the university campuses and other learning institutions, as well as in the affluent locations. The typical Nigerian temptress and Instagram model flaunting her curves is usually from the high class, a student, business woman, actress or some kind …

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