Lorraine Lionheart – The Ghanaian African Woman with Huge Brown Rideable Ass Gets Naked

Most of you are always searching for Big Bums and Booty. But let’s differentiate this. Bums are natural flesh and anything called Booty is plastic. Those with a fetish for bums will look for particular bums, for example Big Black Bums or Big Brown Bums.

Lorraine Lionheart is the dreadlocked African woman from Ghana with extra large seducing bums that she loves flaunting on Instagram. The Rastafarian woman is truly blessed in the rear like Sarah Baartman and she does not miss the opportunity to undress in front of the camera, appearing in scantily clad attire that only covers tiny parts of her voluptuous body. One thing we have to agree on – booty lovers are drooling, her ass looks rideable and bangeable!!! Who can get tired of this fantasy ass?

At first sight, when you bump into a woman like this on the subway train putting on ordinary clothing, you would mistake her for a big fat mama going home after a taxing night shift at the restaurant. Goad her into doing something she has never done before. Dare her to go online and prove that her ass is natural, not some fake plastic. Big mama will then go online to strip on Instagram, showing us her rear view, full and uncovered.

If you have to date a woman like Lorraine Lionheart, you have to take advantage of that big butt to the maximum. I mean what else except Doggystyle will do the backside job well?:)


Lorraine Lionheart Big Ass

Lorraine Lionheart Big Ass

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