Sexy Pictures of the Top 5 Sexy and Curvaceous Female South African Socialites to Follow in 2018
Are you interested in curvaceous South African socialites? This is a list of young, fresh and sexy female socialites that you would like to follow in 2018. These women are hot, good looking and they have already gained a huge following on social media. Socialites come and go, taking a low profile as they grow older to live a quiet life and get settled. However, by the time they retire from the social scene, they would have amassed a huge amount of fans and followers, which they can market their brand to, if they want to.
The following are the hottest socialites at the moment, making waves in South Africa and on Instagram.

Sbahle Mpisane
She is a fitness babe with a hot body that most women would like to have. She possesses the type of physique that guys would love in a girlfriend, neither too slim or fat, but somewhere in the middle with curves in the right place. Her legs are sexy, she has a well toned and shapely body. Above all, she is as fit as a fiddle. Sbahle does not only inspire millions of women with her fitness routines, but she also inspires guys. If you like a beautiful woman in the mold of Serena Williams, then Sbahle is the South African version. Fit women are sexy. The eye candy has more than 810,000 followers on Instagram in awe of her workouts and tantalizing pictures. Very soon, she will be having more than a million followers.

Faith Nketsi
She is originally a dancer by profession, known for twerking with the ProTwerkers female dance group. She has evolved into a model and entrepreneur in beauty care, event planning and hosting. This beautiful light complexioned socialite has a breath-taking curvaceous figure which any guy would die for. Her Instagram account has more than 676,000 followers, waiting to eat up anything she serves.
Another light complexioned South African beauty, Kim Kholiwe is friends with Faith Nketsi. The Xhosa socialite is light and sexy, with a curvaceous body structure that you would like to see at a beach gathering or party. Kim was part of the Protwerkers dance group, and she does modeling and event hosting with Feline Management, a company in which she is a co-owner with Faith and Tebogo Thobejane. Her Instagram has more than 220,000 followers.

Tebogo Thobejane
Tebogo also known as “Tebz” on her Instagram profile, is a thick and bootylicious woman who likes an honest opinion about her assets. The socialite mum joins Faith and Kim as the most famous light complexioned trio in South Africa. The Instagram celebrity is a TV producer, actress and co-owner of Feline Management. She has 142,000 followers on Instagram.

Mpho Khati
An educated, sexy and artistic model, Mpho Khati is a curvaceous beauty with brains. She is well known for her seductive hips and pear-shaped physique. What most don’t realize is that Mpho is the former Vice President of the SRC at the University of Free State in South Africa. She was part of the campus student leadership that organized protests against outdated policies at the university in 2016. Apparently, students were required to take lessons in Afrikaans despite the fact that the institution was dominated by non-Afrikaans speaking people. The police clashed with protesters arresting 21 students who were wrongly profiled and charged with malicious damage to property.
After leaving university, Mpho emerged as a professional model on Instagram, showcasing some creative African print fashion for brands and her store. She shoots videos and pictures for various commercial projects, fashion shows and expos in South Africa and across the African continent. Mpho Khati has more than 108,000 followers on Instagram.