Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Porn Actor / Actress

 Pros and Cons of Being a Porn Actor / Actress

Are you planning to take part in a porno shoot? Just like any job, there are advantages and disadvantages of being an adult performer. Before you apply for a job in porn, you have to make sure that this is what you want to do. You will have to make difficult decisions because this is a job that most people, including your friends and family, will frown upon. Like most of your personal decisions, secrets and private affairs, this is something that you don’t even need to discuss with anybody, not even your best friend. The fact that you are thinking of taking part in a porn shoot will give people the impression that you are a person of low morals. It’s like telling people that you want to be a prostitute. It’s not something to discuss with people.

When you decide to be a porn actress or actor, be prepared to live with the consequences. However, being an adult performer can be rewarding in many ways. Here are the pros and cons of working as an adult performer:

Advantages of Being an Adult Performer:

You Earn More Money per Hour

Most studios and production companies pay a good sum for a porn scene which usually takes a few hours, so in a day’s work, you may earn anywhere from $700 and above. Depending on the number of scenes you take each month, if you have only 2 scenes, you will make at least $1400 a month. This is enough money to quit your day job, but you don’t even need to quit your day job, you can arrange for weekend and after-work shoots with your agent.

You Enjoy What You Do

Working as a porn star allows you to explore your sex fantasies, and it may increase your libido and receptiveness to sex.

You Get to Know the Difference Between Porn and Real Sex

Porn has perpetuated a lot of sexual fantasies and positions that seem to be exciting and super-hot, but difficult to achieve or enjoy in normal sex life. A porn star knows the difference between studio experiences and real life, therefore if you are a performer, you won’t be obsessed with artificial performances that are not practical in life.

You Will Meet Exciting People

Working in the porn industry allows you to meet amazing people that you would have never have met. You will get to experience things that you have been reluctant to do, explore mysteries and satisfy your curiosity.

Disadvantages of Being an Adult Performer:

The following are the disadvantages of working in the adult industry.

It’s a Career which is Frowned Upon

Being an adult performer means that you won’t go around with your head high telling people what you do. If you are in a conversation with somebody, and they ask you “what do you do?”, you won’t say I am a porn actress, unless you want to alienate yourself from the society and everybody. It’s a secret that you have to keep to yourself.

Be Prepared To Have Your Videos and Pictures Circulated in Public Space

Porn videos and pictures are meant for the consumption of viewers who like porn, so they have to be distributed to subscribers. Sooner or later, they will end up on dozens of porn sites and networks around the internet. If it’s a DVD, it won’t stay in the buyer’s bedroom forever, it will be shared multiple times among friends and colleagues at college, work and other social circles. Your face is not covered, otherwise no-one will buy or watch the content, so you have to be prepared to expose yourself to the world.

People who know you will recognize your face in videos and pictures, so be prepared for the consequences. This includes your children, boss, family and friends.

It May Jeopardize Your Employment Future

If you are featuring in porn shoots and working a normal job at the same time, you may land in trouble with your employer. Most companies have to maintain a clean image, and this requires their workers to comply with specific moral standards and codes of conduct. Imagine a lawyer or teacher who engages in part-time gigs as a porn star, this will portray a bad image about the Law Firm or School.

Also if you have worked as a porn star in the past, you may find it difficult to get hired by a company in non-porn industry.

You May Contract STDs

The porn industry is regulated in the USA. Porn stars are required to take tests and use protection before performing. Still, there are cases where actors and actresses have contracted STDs after a porn shoot. Just like the prostitution industry, there is a high chance of contracting STDs in porn. If you are looking for a role in a porn movie or photo shoot, you have to make sure that the company does screening and health checks for performers.

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