What is a Curvy Woman? – Shooting Down the Magazine Lies

Curvy woman with fairly big breasts

Curvy woman with fairly big breasts

A curvy woman is an attractive lady with a slim waist, flat stomach, wide hips, big well shaped butt and fairly large boobs.She is the kind of woman that every man and woman will turn around to look at when she is walking in the streets because she has an attractive and shapely figure. If you know what I am talking about, you will need no explanation, but in order to clear some confusion that some people might have about this term, we will have to explain further.

There is confusion all over the internet about the meaning of this term. Truly curvy women no longer know where they fit because the term is being abused by fashion magazines, dating sites and beauty sites. They are angry because the word is being used by these misleading websites to imply a woman who is fat, chubby or obese, when in reality it means a woman with a shapely figure. Every woman who is obese and out of shape is now calling themselves curvy to feel good about themselves. It’s like giving an A grade to a D student who has never passed a single exam. Imagine if D class students at high school are upgraded to A class status without passing the required exam, this would cause outrage among the truly intelligent A students who will feel disrespected because what’s the use of being an A student when dunderheads are rewarded with high marks that they don’t deserve or never worked for?

Curvy woman with small breasts

Curvy woman with small breasts

In order to see the widespread abuse of the phrase ‘curvy women’ just do a Google search, go to a specific fashion site and you will see pictures of fat or big women that can hardly be called curvy. Curvy is sexy and shapely, it does not mean large, obese or fat.

So we said that a curvy female has a slim waist, flat stomach, wide hips, big shapely butt and fairly large boobs, but this is the definition of a perfectly curvy woman.Boobs are not a huge consideration but they are a plus, she can have small boobs or a totally flat chest but as long as she has the rest of the features described above, she is a curvy woman. At this point, you should have an idea of what curvy means. A curvaceous woman has a Coca Cola bottle shape, some people like to call it a pear-shaped or hourglass body.

Curvy is a sexually attractive shape, of course unless you have a fetish for planks, blocks and bags of fat. Curvy is a super feminine shape, the kind of shape that is envied by other girls, a shape that every guy would want his wife or girlfriend to have, but of course they won’t tell you 🙂

People this is not curvy

People this is not curvy

READ MORE >>> What is a Physically Attractive Woman?


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