Malaika Mahlatsi the Fat Feminist Mocks Her Simp Zimbabwean Boyfriend Who Pays All the Restaurant Bills!!!

Malaika Mahlatsi the Fat Feminist Mocks Her Simp Zimbabwean Boyfriend Who Pays All the Restaurant Bills!!!

Malaika Mahlatsi in Restaurant

Malaika Mahlatsi chowing some breakfast

Today we are deviating from eye candies, hot bodies and sexy women in bikinis. We will be discussing the controversies, contradictions and obnoxious behaviours by a fat and unattractive South African feminist called Malaika Mahlatsi on social media. Just to give you her background, Malaika Mahlatsi loves flaunting and waxing over her academic achievements on social media. That’s because she looks like this:

Malaika Mahlatsi (4)

“I wish I had a summer body” – Malaika Mahlatsi (4)

On 11 December 2022, she posted her Master’s Degree Certificate in Urban & Regional Planning from the University of Johannesburg, along with a Masters Dissertation done in completion of a Degree in Master of Science in Water Resource Science at Rhodes University, South Africa.

Malaika Lesego Samora Mahlatsi (1)

Malaika Lesego Samora Mahlatsi – Academic Degree  (1)

Malaika Lesego Samora Mahlatsi (3)

Malaika Lesego Samora Mahlatsi – Academic Degree (3)

She then went on to say “The key to academic excellence is limiting social media usage, maintaining discipline and having regular sex with a Zimbabwean man. You read that right. Sex with a Zimbabwean man guarantees you orgasm. During orgasm, you release hormones (and neurotransmitters) called dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Dopamine plays a huge role in the reward system, a group of brain processes that control motivation. Endorphins reduce stress. Serotonin acts as a mood stabiliser and regulates sleep and digestion. Thus, orgasm helps to motivate you and keep you mentally and emotionally healthy enough to focus on completing your studies”

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Her comment is followed by an endorsement from a Facebook account known as TG Trie which claims to be her supervisor and HD of Urban & Regional Planning at the University of Johannesburg “Malaika is brilliant, this is her second masters in two years. She has her own private life, coincidentally her man is Zimbabwean and as the supervisor I am also Zimbabwean, but the two 1) Supervisor 2) Man in her life are different…….”

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Malaika replies “You were an excellent supervisor, Prof and I am deeply grateful for everything…….”

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

At this point, you might be wondering why somebody would feel the need to display her university certificates on Facebook unsolicited. These are things that should be uploaded and displayed on LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder and similar job sites. Also, one cannot understand why a University Head of Department would feel the need to endorse her Facebook post, as if she is in the process of being hired or interviewed in a boardroom meeting. This smacks of unprofessional conduct from the Professor and his university.

Thirdly, why does the Professor feel the need to emphasize that he was her supervisor and that him and Malaika’s man are Zimbabwean? For God’s sake, these people sound like they are being interrogated in a courtroom. Why the need to divulge all that information, unless you are a self-absorbed megalomaniac seeking attention on social media? We miss the era when higher learning institutions and their professors were highly professional, disciplined, humble and discreet. All that professional integrity has been lost at institutions like the University of Johannesburg. No wonder they are producing cheap products like Malaika Mahlatsi who sound like they got marks for sex. In 2020, Malaika was accused by her ex-boyfriend Katlego Mamabolo of writing her employer’s PHD dissertation, (the Mayor of the City of Ekurhuleni Mzwandile Masina). Like someone who had been introduced to the game, maybe her own PHD from UJ was outsourced as well. She was also accused of breaching social media policy and suspended by the City Council after she leaked an audio clip in which she was arguing with the employer over staff salary reductions. Malaika deactivated her Facebook account after she resigned from the CoE.

Malaika Mahlatsi (5)

Malaika Mahlatsi (5)

The picture that emerges is of a careless and indiscreet woman who loves social media attention to her own detriment. Malaika did not find favour with the Goddess of Beauty at birth. She was living a quiet and low-key life away from the public eye before her academic achievements. Her ego inflated with acquisition of a Degree and Masters, the ugly duckling morphed into a loud and arrogant pig, out to prove in rude style that education is more important than looks. Although she knows in her bitter subconscious that looks are everything on social media.

Malaika Mahlatsi the Geographer and Urban Planner by profession touts herself as a Feminist, Atheist, Pan Africanist, Researcher, Writer and Political Commentator.

On 29 December 2022, she wore her selfish feminist coat on Facebook as she boasted about how she would never pay bills when her Zimbabwean boyfriend was around. The fat South African mama in thick dreadlocks, wide glasses and red nails uploaded pictures of herself in an Italian restaurant picking on some spaghetti and sea food consisting of prawns and shells. The other picture showed her empty chair, with her Zimbabwean man reading the bills. The photos were captioned with the following silly remarks:

“I am not on Photo 3 because when the bill arrives I suddenly develop the need to go to the bathroom. Besides the fact that the arrival of a restaurant bill makes women want to pee. Women generally get arthritis on the hand when they swipe their own cards. It’s a fact backed up by a recent Harvard University study.”

Malaika Mahlatsi in Restaurant

Malaika Mahlatsi in Restaurant – Feminist Facebook Post

As if that was not enough, she followed with this nasty comment:

“The other day I paid the bill. The constipation and headaches that hit me that night cannot be explained with words. I was in severe pain. Never again, because next time I try such extreme things I’m surely going to ICU”

Malaika Mahlatsi in Restaurant

Malaika Mahlatsi in Restaurant – Feminist Facebook Post

Her Facebook groupies (mostly female) seemingly inspired by these heartless schemes, gleefully joined the boastful witch talk:

“I remind my boyfriend to take his wallet/phone to pay everytime we leave the house. I don’t want any mistakes.” – Namhla Black

“Everytime my partner and I go out, I realize that I’ve forgotten my wallet/cellphone at home.” – Hyron Martins

“I am on holiday outside the country and my purse is in my car in Jozi” – Lerato QueenLira Malesa

“I can’t settle for the minimum, not anymore. And equally I feel that I’m not yet my types type so I’m working on my self. But 2023, it’s going to be love all over” – Fadzai Tirivaviri

“That conversation ya did you take your wallet when we leave the house. It’s cute how he thinks I’m joking sometimes” – Dineo Iyeshar Molebatsi

“Culturally it is believed that your mother’s backbone will break if you as a woman pay the bill. In fact it’s a very high level of disrespecting your man. Man feel like you have attacked their ego if they don’t pay the bill” – Rue Mai

“Even at the supermarket I stand next to the packer unless I am alone. Hayi ke, restaurant it’s bathroom or phone time. The least I can offer is checking if the bill is correct cause I can’t trust him to do that.” – Nomvuso Bam

Malaika Mahlatsi eating a hot dog

Malaika Mahlatsi eating a hot dog

The weirdest part about Malaika is how she narrates her previous life as a single mother raising a child who was not biologically hers although she knew the boy’s father, having called him for two straight years before she gave up. It’s not clear whether this boy she calls “young brother” is adopted or not. She has been in contact with the boy’s father for two years trying to get him to pay child support in the form of school fees, medical aid, clothes and groceries. How do you demand child support for a kid who is not biologically yours? If the child was adopted, you wouldn’t be demanding child support from anyone since the child was put in your custody by the government (ministry of social services).

There is a lot of questions in Malaika’s story. It seems there might be hidden skeletons as well as she is not straightforward about her past. Rather be silent than saying what you shouldn’t on social media. Apparently, it’s not one of her strengths.

Malaika follows up her post with a comment:

“In conclusion: May our generation of men change this narrative of Black women being single parents. It’s hard. It’s bruising. It’s brutal. Do better”

Yes, contradicting oneself is the feminist’s biggest weakness. So you say a Zimbabwean man gives the best orgasm, great men are found in Zimbabwe, and men should change the narrative of black men being single parents – all because you found a Simp who loves fat women? Hahaha. What happened to the narrative of a strong independent woman who doesn’t need men? What happened to the strong independent woman who pays her bills without whining? Lol. If I am Simping, at least she should look like Beyonce or Rihanna. There is no way I am Simping over a fat woman with oversized sunglasses.

Malaika Mahlatsi Morning No-Makeup Selfie

Malaika Mahlatsi Morning No-Makeup Selfie

Malaika Mahlatsi Facebook Posts

Malaika Mahlatsi – Feminist Facebook Post


Malaika Mahlatsi in restaurant (8)

Malaika Mahlatsi Wouldn’t Pay the Restaurant Bills on this Occasion

Malaika's Mysterious Boyfriend Had To Foot the Bill - He is Looking at the Bill while Malaika Has Disappeared to the Bathroom.

Malaika’s Mysterious Boyfriend Had To Foot the Bill – He is Looking at the Bill while Malaika Has Disappeared to the Bathroom.


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