Women – Make Money Selling Your Adult Videos and Photos on ELM – Up to $200 Per Video – Extra Lunch Money!!! – Custom Porn Marketplace for Buyers

EML Model and Adult Performer

ExtraLunchMoney is a marketplace where buyers and sellers of adult content meet. This site was launched in 2011 and over the years it has grown into one of the most reliable, well managed and professional places where women earn money selling custom content requested by buyers. This is custom porn and performances in the form of videos, pictures, audio and mobile texting. A lot of porn sites are disappointing because it is hard to earn money as an adult performer unless you are hired by a porn agency that is looking to pay actresses on a contractual basis. Many women who cannot get the opportunity to work as a porn actress become self-employed as a Webcam Model. However, being a Webcam Model is not easy, there is a lot of competition on the internet, you have to be smart, attractive and you have to join a webcam site with a lot of male visitors.

ExtraLunchMoney also known as ELM is a unique and creative idea that sets itself apart from other competitors. Most adult cam sites allow performers to set their own prices, the customer is not able to negotiate a price, it’s a take it or leave it situation. As a result, customers will not stay long and they won’t come back for more purchases. Instead, they will start looking for another cam site where girls are more affordable.

ELM breaks this monopoly where a customer does not have a say in the price. The porn site allows buyers to post a request, setting their own fixed price. Performers will express an interest in the project by placing an “I Can Do It” submission. Most girls on this site are not looking to get rich, but they are just there to have fun while making money out of it. As a result, all types of projects from as low as $5 per project will get interest from multiple performers. A survey of requests posted on the site reveal project values as high as $200. Do you think this idea works? Yes, it does. The ELM concept has proven to be popular and attractive for adult performers. First, this idea attracts a lot of X-rated content buyers, which is important for any performer who is looking to make money.

To get an idea of the popularity of ELM and the amount of revenue that the site is generating, you have to check the number of requests that have been posted on the site so far. At this time of writing, there were 268 listing pages on the site. Each page has 30 projects. The number of adult projects that have been posted on ELM so far is (268 x 30) = 8040.The maximum total value of projects on each page is $1439, so that’s $1439 x 268 = $385,652. The average total value of projects on each page is $529, so that’s $529 x 268 = $141,772.


As you can see, over 8,000 adult projects have been posted by buyers on the site. This presents a new market and opportunity for an adult performer who is looking to expand her horizons. The entry barrier is low, anybody can join the site. When signing up as a Model or Performer, you will be required to submit a scanned ID for verification so there are no fake profiles on the site. Everybody is genuine.

Models – Sign Up on ExtraLunchMoney and Start Earning >> Click Here

Porn Buyers – Sign Up and Post Custom Projects >> Click Here


Why Working on ELM is Better than Working on Traditional Porn Sites

Good Rates for Videos

There are many advantages for working on ELM as a female porn seller. The pay per video rates are attractive. A majority of porn sites pay for views and it will be impossible for you to make enough money to withdraw to your bank account, unless your videos have thousands or millions of views as in YouTube. Even if you happen to meet the threshold, it will take you a long time (months and years) and the payment is usually peanuts compared to the effort you provided in the content. This method of making money online is becoming obsolete. Unlike traditional porn websites, ELM pays a fixed price for each video or adult project.

On ELM, you get paid a good price for each video as long as the buyer hires you for a project or downloads your uploaded content. Rates range from $5 to $200 per video.

Good Rates for Pictures

Besides selling videos, ELM models can upload their adult pictures for download. Once again, unlike traditional porn sites where you are paid a few cents for a thousand views or downloads, ELM allows you to set a fixed price for each picture. You can sell a download for $1.00 or more, allowing you to make at least $1,000 for a thousand downloads.

Earn Money Sexting with Guys

The good thing about ELM is that there are several ways to make money. Texting is a feature that allows a female ELM adult entertainer to have phone sex with a customer. When you activate this feature, a customer who is interested in sexting will pick a woman to chat with via SMS. The customer pays for sent messages, and the rates start from 0.10 USD per text. The most popular models are those with the lowest rates.

Your mobile number is not revealed to the customer. The ELM server acts as a connection between the model and the customer. When you activate texting, the server will generate a new phone number that you will use to communicate with the customer. Texting only works with US and Canadian numbers. The participants can also MMS pictures through this feature.

Earn Money Through Crowd Funding Videos

ELM models can also earn money through “Goal Videos”. This is a crowd funding feature that allows models to meet their goals. To use this feature, sellers have to upload a proposal video that explains their cause, missions or goals. Donors will donate money to their preferred model or goal.

Live Cam Shows

Cam shows are another option for performers to earn money on ELM. There are two types of cam shows that a customer can choose. The customer can post a job requesting a custom cam show at a fixed price or he can go straight to the model’s chatroom where rates are fixed by the model.

The best thing about ELM is that the smartest and hardworking models make the most money. Sellers who generate a lot of sales are given premium status, which allows them to be on top.


Sign Up on ExtraLunchMoney and Start Earning >> Click Here

Porn Buyers:

Sign Up and Post Custom Projects >> Click Here

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