A beautiful black American girl with a curvaceous body, big booty, small waist and nice round boobs.This sexy woman has succulent lips that would take you to seventh heaven if she ever smooched your mouth. The gorgeous lady is wearing a sexy pair of micro jean shorts and a red long-sleeved crop t-shirt that exposes her fine belly, and yes the long dark hair is attractive as well.
Couple Caught Having Sex in the Car Park While Kid Watches
UK – A man and a woman were caught having sex in a car park while their kid was watching. Some workers at a nearby shop called the police when they saw the couple engaging sex in a public place while a minor was looking. The incidence happened at McDonalds Park at Swansea in the UK.
The names of the two are Lisa Gray and Rhys Higgins. They have been arraigned before the courts and have been charged for committing public indecency as well as having sex in a car park. The couple was caught in the morning of 6 May.
Some employees who work nearby saw a man and a woman sitting inside a vehicle just before 5am in a compromising situation. They were having oral sex and didn’t even worry that a kid was there.
The 28-year old woman Lisa Gray was present at the court when the judgement was delivered, but her partner, Rhys who is 4 years younger attended the trial through a remote virtual courtroom.
Although Lisa denied both charges of public indecency and having sex before a kid, his partner only denied the later.
The two are free on bail with restrictions, but they will return to the courts in a few weeks to face judgement.
Source: South Wales Evening Post