A picture is worth a thousand words:

Bootylicious Capetown woman wearing a blue strapless bodycon mini
A sexy Black/Asian Mixed Cape Town girl, wearing a blue tight fitting shoulderless mini dress, expensive gold bracelets, and shiny golden pendulum earrings.
Let the Body Speak:
Body Language – She’s got everything but she is calm and not boastful about it, unlike those girls who don’t have it, but will still shout at the top of their voice “I’ve got it!!” However, the way she looks at herself in the mirror or is it an iphone, makes her look like one of those hyper-beautiful girls who aren’t sure if they are attractive.
Booty – This exotic beauty is bootylicious, she blows Kim K and Beyonce out of the water. The booty looks natural, which is a plus for this oriental queen. [9/10]
Boobs – The boobs are just perfect, matching her body type. [8/10]
Waist – She’s got the dream waist of a natural beauty, slim and complimenting her curvaceous body. [8/10]
What the Face is saying – As explained in the beginning, she is calm and composed, a lady of class. She doesn’t need to show or feign some confidence because her body does the talking. It looks like she enjoys checking herself often, just to confirm if that’s really her in the mirror, “Is the mirror telling me the truth? The beauty that I am seeing, is it really me?” If you are a natural beauty, it is only natural to pinch yourself on the arm to find out if you really exist.
What the Lips are saying – The lady has applied a light touch of red lipstick, which helps to enhance her looks.
Hair – The long dark Brazilian hair weave is very sexy and just perfect for her [8/10]
Swag – She is a master of minimal swag, she looks elegant and classy in her sexy strapless bodycon mini dress, which does a good job to accentuate her natural curves for sex appeal. Those ladies who don’t know how to wear a skin tight mini dress without looking dirty or ghetto should take a lesson. The big jewelry on her body fits in well like the morning star in the horizon, her golden earrings and wrist bracelets do not shout out loud, but they co-exist harmoniously with the rest of her attire. Everything is perfect with this lady. This temptress is a natural beauty but she also nailed it with her attire. [8/10]
Would you want to bang this chick? – The temptress would be nice to bang.
Overall – Everything looks perfect with this woman, bootylicious, healthy-looking skin, exotic features, good boobs, sexy long black hair and attire. The lady is attractive in all places.[8.5/10]
Meet Cape Town girls – Facebook
Fashion Shopping Suggestions for Ladies:
red bodycon mini dress with black lace – Aliexpress
Tight fitting dresses for party – There are many types of tight fitting dresses which are suitable for parties and clubbing.In this post we have showcased the mini dress which leaves your shoulders uncovered. This dress is also known as the strapless bodycon mini dress. If you are interested in turning heads at the party or club, then this is dress will do just that. It is designed to hug your body, show your curves, and expose your thighs, which helps to draw out the sex appeal in you.
When it’s hot, this dress will help you feel the fresh air because it leaves your thighs and shoulders exposed .Women with a curvaceous body will look good in this sexy dress. It is the sexiest dress that you can have at a party. Anybody can wear what they want but this dress will not highlight your best features if you are a skinny girl or a fat woman with bulges in the midriff. If you are a woman with fine hips, flat tummy and sexy thighs, then you are the best candidate for this dress.